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Vendor: Cisco
Certifications: Advanced Routing and Switching
Exam Code: 640-692
Exam Name: Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices
Total Questions: 67 Q&As
Updated on: Feb 22, 2017
Exam Information:
Supporting Cisco routing and Switching Network Devices 640-692 Exam Features
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- 640-692 exam questions with exhibits.
- 640-692 same questions as real exam with multiple choice (MCQ) options.
Looking for Cisco 640-692 Practice Exam Questions?
A null modem cable uses which adapter type?
A. RJ-11
B. RJ-45
C. RS-323
D. RS-232
Correct Answer: B
TFTP is a simple protocol files, such as a Cisco IOS or configuration file, from one device to another.
Which device cannot be configured to be used as a TFTP server?
A. Cisco router
B. Cisco switch
C. Computer
D. Modem
E. Cisco wireless LAN
Correct Answer: D
Which command sends an echo request packet to the largest host and then waits for an echo respon
A. telnet
B. connect
C. access
D. echo
E. ping
Correct Answer: E
QUESTION 19 Refer to the exhibit.
Of which cable type this an example?
A. RJ-45 straight-through
B. RJ-45 rollover
C. RJ-45 crossover
D. RJ-11
E. RJ-45
Answer: C
NO.20 Which type of memory stores the startup configuration file for the Cisco device?
B. Flash
Answer: A
640-692: Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices (RSTECH) Exam
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