[100% Vaild] New Updated CCNP Wireless 300-360 WIDESIGN Dumps Real Exam Questions Answers for Instant Success

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Exam Code: 300-360
Exam Name: Designing Cisco Wireless Enterprise Networks
Updated: Aug 22, 2017
Q&As: 60

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300-360 dumps

Pass4itsure Latest and Most Accurate Cisco 300-360 Dumps Exam Q&As:

The end of a logical file to the end of the cluster that the file ends in is called:
A. Unallocated space
B. Allocated space
C. Slack
D. Available space
300-360 exam Answer: C
By default, what color does EnCase use for slack?
A. Red
B. Black
C. Black on red
D. Red on black
Answer: A
GREP terms are automatically recognized as GREP by EnCase.
Answer: True
Answer: False

300-360 dumps Answer: Pending
To undelete a file in the FAT file system, EnCase computes the number of the file will
use based on the file .
A. Clusters; file size
B. Sectors; file size
C. Clusters; starting extent
D. Sectors; starting extent
Answer: A
You are at an incident scene and determine that a computer contains evidence as described in the
search warrant. When you seize the computer, you should:
A. Record the identity of the person(s) involved in the seizure.
B. Record the location that the computer was recovered from.
C. Record nothing to avoid inaccuracies that might jeopardize the use of the evidence.
D. Record the date and time the computer was seized.
300-360 pdf Answer: A,B,D
You are working in a computer forensic lab. A law enforcement investigator brings you a computer
and a valid search warrant. You have legal authority to search the computer. The investigator
hands you a piece of paper that has three printed checks on it. All three checks have the same
check and account number. You image the suspect computer and open the evidence file with
EnCase. You checks have the same check and account number. You image the suspect?
computer and open the evidence file with EnCase. You perform a text search for the account
number and check number. Nothing returns on the search results. You perform a text search for
all other information found on the printed checks and there is still nothing returned in the search
results. You run a signature analysis and check the gallery. You cannot locate any graphical
copies of the printed checks in the gallery. At this point, is it safe to say that the checks are not
located on the suspect computer? checks are not located on the suspect? computer?
A. No. The images could be located a compressed file.

B. No. The images could be in unallocated clusters.
C. No. The images could be embedded in a document.
D. All of the above.
E. No. The images could be in an image format not viewable inside EnCase.
Answer: D
A physical file size is:
A. The total size of all the clusters used by the file measured in bytes.
B. The total size in bytes of a logical file.
C. The total size of the file including the ram slack in bytes.
D. The total size in sectors of an allocated file.
300-360 vce Answer: A
RAM is used by the computer to:
A. Establish a connection with external devices.
B. Temporarily store electronic data that is being processed.
C. Execute the POST during start-up.
D. Permanently store electronic data.
Answer: B
When can an evidence file containing a NTFS partition be logically restored to a FAT 32 partition?
A. Never
B. Both a and b
C. When the FAT 32 has the same number of sectors / clusters.
D. When the FAT 32 is the same size or bigger.
300-360 exam Answer: A
In Windows 98 and ME, Internet based e-mail, such as Hotmail, will most likely be recovered in
the folder.
A. C:\Windows\Online\Applications\email
B. C:\Windows\Temp
C. C:\Windows\Temporary Internet files
D. C:\Windows\History\Email
Answer: C
The following GREP expression was typed in exactly as shown. Choose the answer(s) that would
result. Jan 1 st , 2?0?00
A. Jan 1 st , 1900
B. Jan 1 st , 2001
C. Jan 1 st , 2000
D. Jan 1 st , 2100
300-360 dumps Answer: C
You are conducting an investigation and have encountered a computer that is running in the field.
The operating system is Windows XP. A software program is currently running and is visible on
the screen. You should:
A. Pull the plug from the wall.
B. Photograph the screen and pull the plug from the back of the computer.
C. Pull the plug from the back of the computer.
D. Navigate through the program and see what the program is all about, then pull the plug.
Answer: B
You are investigating a case involving fraud. You seized a computer from a suspect who stated
that the computer is not used by anyone other than himself. The computer has Windows 98
installed on the hard drive. You find the filename :\downloads\check01.jpg?that EnCase shows as
being moved. The starting extent is 0C4057. You find another filename
?:\downloads\check01.jpg?that EnCase shows as being moved. The starting extent is 0C4057.
You find another filename :\downloads\chk1.dll?with the starting extent 0C4057, which EnCase
also shows as being moved.

A file extension and signature can be manually added by:
A. Right-clicking on a file and selecting dd.? 5LJKWFOLFNLQJRQDILOHDQGVHOHFWLQJ ?
B. Using the new file signature feature under file signatures.
C. Using the new library feature under hash libraries.
D. Using the new set feature under hash sets.
Answer: B
Temp files created by EnCase are deleted when EnCase is properly closed.
Answer: True
Answer: False
300-360 exam Answer: Pending
The case file should be archived with the evidence files at the termination of a case.
Answer: True
Answer: False
Answer: Pending
How does EnCase verify that the evidence file contains an exact copy of the suspect hard drive?
How does EnCase verify that the evidence file contains an exact copy of the suspect? hard drive?
A. By means of a CRC value of the suspect hard drive compared to a CRC value of the data
stored in the evidence file. By means of a CRC value of the suspect? hard drive compared to a
CRC value of the data stored in the evidence file.
B. By means of a CRC value of the evidence file itself.
C. By means of an MD5 hash of the suspect hard drive compared to an MD5 hash of the data
stored in the evidence file. By means of an MD5 hash of the suspect? hard drive compared to an
MD5 hash of the data stored in the evidence file.
D. By means of an MD5 hash value of the evidence file itself.
300-360 dumps 
Answer: C
The case number in an evidence file can be changed without causing the verification feature to
report an error, if:
A. The user utilizes a text editor.
B. The user utilizes the case information editor within EnCase.
C. The evidence file is reacquired.
D. The case information cannot be changed in an evidence file, without causing the verification
feature to report an error.
Answer: D
The term ignature?and eader?as they relate to a signature analysis are: The term ?ignature?and
?eader?as they relate to a signature analysis are:
A. Areas compared with each other to verify the correct file type.
B. Synonymous.
C. The signature is the file extension. The header is a standard pattern normally found at the
beginning of a file.
D. None of the above
300-360 pdf 
Answer: B

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